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What is the deadline for implementing Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)?

The deadline for Strong Customer Authentication (<a href="/glossarycollection/strong-customer-authentication" style="color:#48277C;" target="_blank" title="Strong Customer Authentication"><u>SCA</u></a>) based access to online payments accounts fell due on 14th March 2020. Due to the difficulties experienced in implementing SCA for e-Commerce, the European Banking Authority (<a href="/glossarycollection/european-banking-authority" style="color:#48277C;" target="_blank" title="European Banking Authority"><u>EBA</u></a>) arrived at a view that migration plans of Payment Service Providers (<a href="/glossarycollection/payment-service-provider" style="color:#48277C;" target="_blank" title="Payment Service Provider"><u>PSP</u></a>) should now be completed by 31 December 2020. In parallel, the UK's Financial Conduct Authority (<a href="/glossarycollection/financial-conduct-authority" style="color:#48277C;" target="_blank" title="Financial Conduct Authority"><u>FCA</u></a>) announced an extension of their e-Commerce deadline until 14 March 2021.

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