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What is the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)?

Sourcing: The Competition and Markets Authority<br/><br/>

About us:<br/><br/>

We work to promote competition for the benefit of consumers, both within and outside the UK. We have staff in London, Edinburgh, Belfast and Cardiff.<br/><br/>

Competition that works for everyone:<br/><br/>

Competition is good for consumers and businesses. It means that people get better products at lower prices, and it helps ensure the most consumer-focused and innovative businesses are the ones that succeed.<br/><br/>

Our responsibilities:<br/><br/>

We work to ensure that consumers get a good deal when buying goods and services, and businesses operate within the law.<br/><br/>

We do this in a number of ways:<br/><br/>

- we investigate mergers between organisations, to make sure they don’t reduce competition<br/><br/>

- we investigate entire markets if we think there are competition or consumer problems<br/><br/>

- we take action against businesses and individuals that take part in cartels or anti-competitive behaviour<br/><br/>

- we protect consumers from unfair trading practices<br/><br/>

- we encourage government and other regulators to use competition effectively on behalf of consumers<br/><br/>

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is an independent non-ministerial department. Our work is overseen by a Board, and led by the Chief Executive and senior team. Decisions in some investigations are made by independent members of a CMA panel.

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